Hopkins, M.A, Bishop, K., Ashman, M., Reed, P., & Reppa, I. (in press). Relax and repeat: The role of relaxation and practice on effects of mindfulness and mind wandering on time perception. PlosOne.
Reppa, I. & McDougall, S. (in press). Practice makes perfect, especially when doing what we like. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
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McDougall, S., Reppa, I., & Taylor, J. (2023). Nudge and bias in subjective ratings? The role of icon sets in determining ratings of icon characteristics. Behavior Research Methods, 55(7), 3513-3530.
Jones, R., Reppa, I., & Reed, P. (2022). Perceptions of linguistic parity on social media: a qualitative comparison between primary Cymraeg and English-medium secondary school pupils. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-14.
Collaud, R., Reppa, I., Défayes, L., McDougall, S., Henchoz, N. & Sonderegger, A. (2022). Design standards for icons: The independent role of aesthetics, visual complexity and concreteness in icon design and icon understanding. Displays.
Leek, E.C. & Reppa, I. (2022). The role of parvocellular and magnocellular shape maps in the derivation of spatially integrated 3D objects. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-3.
Jones, R., Reppa, I., & Reed, P. (2022). Self-esteem and social media dependency: A structural equation modelling approach to comparing primary Welsh and non-Welsh speakers. Trends in Psychology, 1-24.
Reppa, I., McDougall, S., Sonderegger, A. & Schmidt, W.C. (2021). Mood Moderates the Effect of Aesthetic Appeal on Performance. Cognition & Emotion, 15-29.
Reppa, I., Williams, K.E., Saunders, J., Greville, J. (2020). The Relative Contribution of Shape and Colour to Object Memory. Memory & Cognition, 1504-1521.
Reppa, I. & Leek, E.C. (2019). Surface diagnosticity predicts the high-level representation of regular and irregular object shape in human vision. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 81(5), 1589-1608.
Reppa, I., Williams, K.E., Worth, R.E., Greville, W.J., & Saunders, J. (2017). Memorable objects are more susceptible to forgetting: Evidence for the inhibitory account of retrieval-induced forgetting. Acta Psychologica, 181, 51-61.
McDougall, S. Reppa, I., Kulik, J., & Taylor, A. (2016). What makes icons appealing? The role of processing fluency in predicting icon appeal in different task contexts. Applied Ergonomics, 55, 156-172.
Reppa, I. & McDougall, S. (2015). When the going gets tough the beautiful get going: Aesthetic appeal facilitates task performance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1243-1254.
Reppa, I., Greville, W.J., & Leek, E.C. (2015). The role of surface-based representations of shape in visual object recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 2351-2369.
Pothos, E.M. & Reppa, I. (2014). The fickle nature of similarity changes as a result of categorization.Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 2425-2438.
Reppa, I., Worth, E.R., J.W. Greville, & Saunders, J. (2013). The representation of response effector and response location in episodic memory for newly acquired actions: Evidence from retrieval-induced forgetting. Acta Psychologica, 143, 210-217.
Reppa, I., Schmidt, W.C., & Ward. R. (2012). Informational affordances: Evidence of acquired perception-action sequences for information extraction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 418-428.
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Reppa, I., Fougnie, D., & Schmidt, W.C. (2011). How does attention spread across objects oriented in depth? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72, 912-925.
Leek, E.C., Reppa, I., Rodriguez, E., & Arguin, M. (2009). Surface but not volumetric part structure mediates three-dimensional shape representation: Evidence from part-whole priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 814-830.
Reppa, I. & Leek, E.C. (2006). Structure-based modulation of IOR is triggered by object-internal but not occluding shape features. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 1857-1866.
Leek, E.C., Reppa, I. & Arguin, M. (2005). The structure of 3D object shape representations: from whole-part matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 31, 668-684.
Leek, E.C., Reppa, I., & Tipper, S. (2003). Inhibition-of-return for objects and locations in static displays. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 388-95.
Reppa, I. & Leek, E.C. (2003). The modulation of inhibition-of-return across object internal structure: Implications for theories of object-based attentional selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 493-502.