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- Celik, Filiz and Davies-Thompson, Jodie and Quigley, Martyn and Reppa, Irene 2024. A longitudinal study examining PTSD and other mental health problems in NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pre-print [BIB]
- Jones, Richard and Reppa, Irene and Reed, Phil 2023. Self-esteem and social media dependency: A structural equation modelling approach to comparing primary Welsh and Non-Welsh speakers. Trends in Psychology [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and McDougall, Siné 2022. Aesthetic appeal influences visual search performance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné and Reppa, Irene and Taylor, Jacqui 2022. Nudge and bias in subjective ratings? The role of icon sets in determining ratings of icon characteristics. Behavior Research Methods [BIB]
- Collaud, Romain and Reppa, Irene and Défayes, Lara and McDougall, Sin{\`e} and Henchoz, Nicolas and Sonderegger, Andreas 2022. Design standards for icons: The independent role of aesthetics, visual complexity and concreteness in icon design and icon understanding. Displays [BIB]
- Jones, Richard and Reppa, Irene and Reed, Phil 2022. Self-esteem and Social Media Dependency: a Structural Equation Modelling Approach to Comparing Primary Welsh and Non-Welsh Speakers. Trends in Psychology [BIB]
- Jones, Richard and Reppa, Irene and Reed, Phil 2022. Perceptions of linguistic parity on social media: a qualitative comparison between primary Cymraeg and English-medium secondary school pupils. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism [BIB]
- Leek, E Charles and Reppa, Irene 2022. The role of parvocellular and magnocellular shape maps in the derivation of spatially integrated 3D object representations. Cognitive Neuropsychology [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and McDougall, Siné and Sonderegger, Andreas and Schmidt, William C 2021. Mood moderates the effect of aesthetic appeal on performance. Cognition and Emotion [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Williams, Kate E and Greville, W James and Saunders, Jo 2020. The relative contribution of shape and colour to object memory. Memory & Cognition [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Leek, E Charles 2019. Surface diagnosticity predicts the high-level representation of regular and irregular object shape in human vision. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics [BIB]
- Collaud, Romain Simon and Défayes, Lara and McDougall, Siné and Reppa, Irene and Henchoz, Nicolas and Sonderegger, Andreas 2017. Designing for visual appeal, simplicity and concreteness: the development and evaluation of design standards to manipulate icon characteristics. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2017: Varieties of interaction, from User Experience to Neuroergonomics [BIB]
- Reppa, I and Williams, KE and Worth, ER and Greville, WJ and Saunders, J 2017. Memorable objects are more susceptible to forgetting: Evidence for the inhibitory account of retrieval-induced forgetting. Acta Psychologica [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné and Reppa, Irene and Kulik, Jozef and Taylor, Alisdair 2016. What makes icons appealing? The role of processing fluency in predicting icon appeal in different task contexts. Applied ergonomics [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Greville, W James and Leek, E Charles 2015. The role of surface-based representations of shape in visual object recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and McDougall, Siné 2015. When the going gets tough the beautiful get going: aesthetic appeal facilitates task performance. Psychonomic bulletin & review [BIB]
- Pothos, Emmanuel, Reppa, Irene 2014. The fickle nature of similarity change as a result of categorization. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Pothos, Emmanuel 2013. Predicting similarity change as a result of categorization. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné and Reppa, Irene 2013. Ease of icon processing can predict icon appeal. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Worth, E Rhian and Greville, W James and Saunders, Jo 2013. The representation of response effector and response location in episodic memory for newly acquired actions: Evidence from retrieval-induced forgetting. Acta Psychologica [BIB]
- Borgo, Rita and Abdul-Rahman, Alfie and Mohamed, Farhan and Grant, Philip W and Reppa, Irene and Floridi, Luciano and Chen, Min 2012. An empirical study on using visual embellishments in visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Schmidt, William C and Ward, Robert 2012. Informational affordances: evidence of acquired perception--action sequences for information extraction. Psychonomic bulletin & review [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Schmidt, William C and Leek, E Charles 2012. Successes and failures in producing attentional object-based cueing effects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Fougnie, Daryl and Schmidt, William C 2010. How does attention spread across objects oriented in depth?. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné and Forsythe, Alexandra and Isherwood, Sarah and Petocz, Agnes and Reppa, Irene and Stevens, Catherine 2009. The use of multimodal representation in icon interpretation. International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics [BIB]
- Leek, E Charles and Reppa, Irene and Rodriguez, Elly and Arguin, Martin 2009. Surface but not volumetric part structure mediates three-dimensional shape representation: Evidence from part--whole priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné and Reppa, Irene and Smith, Gary and Playfoot, David 2009. Beyond emoticons: Combining affect and cognition in icon design. International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Playfoot, David and McDougall, Siné JP 2008. Visual aesthetic appeal speeds processing of complex but not simple icons. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting [BIB]
- McDougall, Siné JP and Reppa, Irene 2008. Why do I like it? The relationships between icon characteristics, user performance and aesthetic appeal. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Charles Leek, E 2006. Structure-based modulation of inhibition of return is triggered by object-internal but not occluding shape features. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [BIB]
- Leek, C and Leek, EC and Reppa, I and Arguin, M 2005. The structure of the 3D object shape representations: Evidence from part-whole matching.. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance [BIB]
- Leek, E Charles and Reppa, Irene and Arguin, Martin 2005. The structure of three-dimensional object representations in human vision: evidence from whole-part matching.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance [BIB]
- Leek, C and Reppa, I and Leek, EC 2003. The modulation of inhibition-of-return across object-internal structure: Implications for theories of object-based-attention.. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review [BIB]
- Leek, EC and Reppa, I and Arguin, M 2003. The structure of object-shape representations in visual recognition. Perception ECVP abstract [BIB]
- Reppa, Irene and Charles Leek, E 2003. The modulation of inhibition of return by objectinternal structure: Implications for theories of object-based attentional selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [BIB]
- Leek, EC and Reppa, I and Tipper, SP 2003. Inhibition of return for objects and locations in static displays. Perception & Psychophysics [BIB]